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November 1983

A. Ross Johnson, 'Political Leadership in Yugoslavia: Evolution of the League of Communists' [Abridged Version; Approved for Release, February 6, 2019]

This November 1983 RAND Report examines the dynamics of political leadership and prospects for leadership stability in post-Tito Yugoslavia. It analyzes the evolution of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia (LCY) since the late 1960s and the enhanced role of its constituent republican and provincial LCY organizations. It traces the devolution of power within the LCY that resulted in decentralized leadership authority and decision-making based on interregional consensus. It recommends shifting appraisals of the Yugoslav leadership from the federal to the republican/provincial level. (The full May 2013 version of the Report and a first declassified release of the abridged version are referenced as Related Documents.)

January 30, 1958

Deputy Minister Winiewicz, 'Record of Conversation with the Ambassador of Bulgaria on the 30th of this Month'

Winiewicz discusses the Bulgarian proposal for a ban on thermonuclear weapons between Bulgaria, Albania, Yugoslavia, Greece, and Italy, and the subsequent negative Polish response.

February 14, 1958

Letter, A. Rapacki to Mr. Jacob D. Beam, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America in Warsaw

Adam Rapacki, the Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs, discusses the Polish Plan and the Soviet proposal for a meeting of various heads of state.

January 25, 1958

Unsigned File Note

Michałowski explains reasoning behind negative the attitude of the U.S. State Department towards the Rapacki Plan after speaking with other foreign representatives.

January 23, 1958

Code Message No. 879 from Director General Wierna to Mazur (Prague)

Director General Wierna expresses disapproval of the Czechoslovak idea for territorial expansion of the Rapacki Plan, and also warns against the propaganda campaign that the Czechoslovak officials intend to carry out.

January 23, 1958

Code Message No. 961 from Ambassador Gajewski in Paris to Ogrodziński

The Polish Ambassador relays his conversation with General de Gaulle to Przemysław Ogrodzinsk of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in which de Gaulle praises the Rapacki Plan and its importance for neutralization in central Europe, and encourages Poland to continue its efforts.

January 21, 1958

Deputy Minister Winiewicz, 'Record of Conversation with the Chargé d'Affaires of Denmark, Jan. 20, 1958'

Deputy Minister Winiewicz and the Danish chargé d’affaires discuss Khrushchchev’s visit to Poland and Denmark's opinions on the Rapacki Plan.

January 18, 1958

Deputy Minister Winiewicz, 'Record of Conversation with the Ambassador of Japan on the 13th of this Month'

Polish Deputy Minister Winiewicz and the Japanese Ambassador discuss Japan's interest in the Rapacki Plan.


KGB, Information Nr. 2742 [to Bulgarian State Security]

The Soviet KGB seeks Bulgaria's support with "active measures" relating to the origins of the AIDS virus as well as the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI).

September 3, 1986

Division X of the Hauptverwaltung Aufklärung (HVA/X) of the Ministry of State Security (MfS), 'Plan for Common and Coordinated Active MEasures of the Intelligence Organs of the MOI of the PR Bulgaria and the MfS of the GDR for 1987 and 1988'

HVA/X of the East German Ministry of State Security seeks cooperation with the Bulgarian Internal Affairs and State Security ministries to "prove that AIDS originated in the USA."
