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May 17, 1937

Concerning Support for Chinese Troops in Kashgaria

The Politburo orders Soviet aircraft, armored cars, and pilots be sent to assist the Chinese command in suppressing the rebels in Kashgaria.

February 27, 1972

Joint Communique between the United States and China

The United States and China pledge to improve relations with one another in the famous "Shanghai Communique."


Korea: Uneasy Truce in the Land of the Morning Calm (New York: American-Korean Friendship and Information Center, 1976)

The AFKIC introduces its mission, the history of Korea, and the current situation on the Peninsula.


North Korean Journey: A View of Workers’ Democracy

Fred Carrier reports on a visit to North Korea made by the AKFIC in June-July 1973.


Operation War Shift: Position Paper, Second (Revised) Edition

A position paper of the American-Korean Friendship and Information Center, describing the organization's objectives in the context of the Vietnam War.

June 10, 1955

Telegram to Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs V.A. Zorin from Army General Antonov

Telegram to V. A. Zorin on establishment of a mixed Soviet-Chinese military mission in Hanoi.

December 6, 1957

CDS Report No. 66 from Choi Duk Shin to the President (Syngman Rhee)

Choi Duk Shin reports on Japanese PM Kishi's trip to Southeast Asia, the promotion of Korea-Vietnam cultural relations, the upcoming SEATO war maneuvers in Thailand, and other recent Vietnam and regional affairs.

November 15, 1956

CDS Report No. 24 from Choi Duk Shin to the President (Syngman Rhee)

Choi Duk Shin offers his views on the crises in Hungary and the Middle East, urges President Rhee to organize immediate action against communist countries, and reports on Vietnamese domestic affairs including the recent typhoon and the continued Chinese minority debate.

March 6, 1953

Letter from the Embassy of Pakistan to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (No. 598-F-198/53)

The Embassy of Pakistan in China requests support and financial assistance to allow several Pakistani nationals to leave Xinjiang.

January 12, 1953

Ciphered Telegram from Vasilevsky and Sokolovsky to Stalin

A proposal of how many guns and ammunition can be given to the Chinese troops and at what rate.
