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November 1, 1949

Draft Telegram, Gromyko to Kovalev

Gromyko attaches a draft reply of Stalin to the telegram of Mao Zedong on the question of Korea.

June 11, 1944

Harriman and Stalin discuss Chinese Relations

Harriman relays Stalin's concerns about the Chinese and Sino-Soviet relations in Outer Mongolia.

September 19, 1944

Memorandum Discussing Joint Military Organization

Stalin and Harriman discuss the benefits of a joint military organization as the troops to the East and West of Germany move closer together.

October 29, 1947

Telegram, V. Molotov to Cde. Stalin

V. Molotov states the importance that the Korean issue should be discussed with the Koreans. He also details that in the case of opposing proposals from the US, the Soviets should oppose and abstain rather than voting against them.

October 29, 1947

Telegram No. 423, Vyshinsky to Cde. Molotov

Vyshinsky clarifies that in case there is a decision to form a commission in Korea, it is not advisable for the US and the Soviets to take part. Vyshinsky requests for an answer on this issue.

October 29, 1947

Telegram No. 418 from Vyshinsky

Vyshinsky outlines the amendment that the US has introduced regarding the Korean question. Moreover, Vyshinsky asserts the plan to object to the amendment and express why the amendment is not compatible with the proposal of the Soviets.

June 10, 1944

Paraphrase of Telegram From Harriman to the President

Harriman relays Stalin's thoughts on the Chinese government and military to the President.

December 17, 1973

Telegram from the Romanian Embassy in Geneva to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 031616, December 17, 1973, Secret

Telegram from the Romanian Embassy in Geneva clarifying that Henry Kissinger did not have a meeting with a PLO representative in Lebanon, but there was a meeting in Damascus.

December 5, 1973

Memorandum on the Reactions of the Americans to the Suggestions relayed on behalf of Yasser Arafat (Conveyed by the Secretary of State Henry Kissinger at the Reception given in the Evening of December 5, 1973)

A memorandum reporting on the American feelings toward Palestine and the territorial lines for Israel and Jordan.

April 21, 1972

Telegram from the Romanian Embassy in Cairo to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 264.451, April 21, 1972, Secret

Romanian consul in Alexandria reports on shipments to the PLO and conversations members of the PLO have had with other Eastern BLOC countries including Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia.
