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March 27, 1957

CDS Report No. 39 from Choi Duk Shin to the President (Syngman Rhee)

Choi reports that he will soon visit Cambodia. He also describes a celebration held in honor of Syngman Rhee's birthday.

May 17, 1957

CDS Report No. 40 from Choi Duk Shin to the President (Syngman Rhee)

Choi describes his tour of Southeast Asia as "a successful one," reports on a visit to Vietnam by a South Korean Navy Observation Squadron, and indicates that he will postpone a planned visit to Taiwan.

May 22, 1957

Letter No. 65 from the President (Syngman Rhee) to Minister Duk Shin Choi

President Rhee writes on Ngo Dinh Diem's visit to South Korea, Minister Choi's activities, and Choi's recent trip to Cambodia.

May 1, 1979

Notes on a Meeting held during the Secretary-General's Visit to Peking, 1 May 1979

Deng Xiaoping criticizes Vietnam as a regional hegemon in his a meeting with Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim.

April 30, 1979

Notes on a Meeting in the Great People's Palace in Peking on 30 April 1979 at 9 A.M

Huang Hua says that "the Vietnamese were the Cubans of Asia but rather more dangerous." In addition to commenting on the situation in Indochina, Huang weighs in on Soviet and Cuban policies toward the Third World, events in the Middle East, and China's involvement in the United Nations.

March 16, 1979

Notes on a Meeting held in the Secretary-General's Office on Friday, 16 March 1979, at 10.30 pm

Ambassador Chen Chu and Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim discuss the situation in Indochina.

September 5, 1978

Speech made by Pham Van Dong

Pham Van Dong speaks on the war against Pol Pot and Ieng Sary, the issue of the Hoa people in Vietnam, and border disputes with China.

April 5, 1983

Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Vietnam rejects claims put forth by Thailand that "Viet Nam has attacked civilian population at refugee camps along the Thai-Kampuchean border and intruded into Thai territory."

June 16, 1954

Asian Peoples' Anti-Communist Conference, Speech by Vietnam Delegate

Nguyen Van Tam speaks about Vietnam's struggle against communism at the Asian Peoples' Anti-Communist Conference in Chinhae, Korea.


Statement from the US Peoples' Anti-Imperialist Delegation to Korea

Eldridge Cleaver praises Kim Il Sung and the Korean people as models of the anti-imperialist struggle and suggests that US imperialism has been crumbling since its "defeat" in the Korean War. Cleaver praises North Korean economic development in heavy industry and light industry and in agriculture which serves the purpose of liberating the people. Suggesting that the Korean peninsula can only be unified by the Koreans themselves, Cleaver indicates his support for North Korea's efforts to unify Korea against US imperialism, warning that the US imperialists that they will suffer a heavier loss if they provoke another war.
